
This event started off as an idea being tossed about between a few dedicated Warhammer 40k gamers. We should get players from all over the state of Alabama together to play each other. It should bring players that enjoy the hobby aspect and a friendly yet competitive match together for yearly bragging rights. It was an idea that those people decided to actually put into action and is finally coming about as the Alabama CAGE Match.

The Finals will be all about determining the best 40k player in the state while building a stronger 40k Alabama community in general. It also should encourage store owners to develop their player base through running successful events and participating in a larger community.

The ultimate goal is that everyone who enjoys 40k across our great state will eventually find their niche and grow as players, hobbyists, and friends; strengthening us not just in our gaming skills but in our community as a whole. These qualifiers are the first step along that path.

The qualifiers are intended to find not just the best players around the state but those who best exemplify their communities take on 40k. With that in mind, we hope that you enjoy and promote this event, and that in the future you will support not just your local community, but the Alabama community as well.

Thanks for your time and support,